109 km around Moscow

2013 10.10 – 12.10 Artplay, Moscow

One-channel video
Duration: 1h 42’ 00”
Thanks to Sergey Pudalov for assistance

All roads lead to Moscow. To prove this fact it is enough to look at any map.

“How to pass by Moscow?” a favorite question which arises a hundred times a day on many forums and Q&A boards under different topics – from traveling to commercial transportation. “By MKAD,” is the most frequent answer, despite endless traffic jams, complicated interchanges and the fear of megapolis.

The first highway in the country, Moscow automobile ring road (MKAD), has determined city boundaries for many years.

A special elite zone was formed inside it, protected by necessary residence permits. Neither boundaries extensions in the mid-80s, nor New Moscow territories joined in 2011 could tackle the existing convention. The symbolic boundary is set on the ring road as it was before.

Every day half a million vehicles passes through Moscow. The majority of their passengers have never visited the city before and hardly will go there as tourists anytime. The only Moscow they observe from cars and buses is a mix of light masts, white steam of power stations, shopping malls, dormitory suburbs, and an endless forest belt.